"Towards A Better Me"

What is LifeCell Placenta™?

LifeCell Placenta™ is a biochemically active substance extracted from the placenta of sheep. It is a kind of polypeptide protein substance, which can resist fatigue for women and men, regulate endocrine, beautify the skin, help balance hormones, promote cell activity and growth.

One capsule of LifeCell Placenta™ contains 30,000mg of sheep placenta. Long-term consumption helps to beautify the skin, regulates menstrual cycle, balances hormones, reduces menopausal symptoms and delays aging.

At present, the medical field has confirmed the efficiency of sheep placenta through experiments. Studies have found that the cell molecular structure of sheep placenta is similar to human cells, and it is a more easily absorbed nutrient element by the human body. Long-term use can achieve anti-aging effects. Therefore, sheep placenta is often used in cosmetics, medical and health products, or healthy diets.

Are you facing any the following aging problems?


Hormonal / endocrine disorders

Menopause / Early menopause

Menstrual pain, vaginal dryness

Irregular menstruation / menstrual flow

Dull, rough and dry skin

Wrinkles and sagging skin


Lack of energy and vitality

Poor stamina

Poor memory

Poor sleep quality

Low energy level

Male hormone disorders

Why do people age

The simplest answer is that the human body is like a sophisticated machine. If the machine is used constantly, it will be overhauled and requires repair and maintenance. Of course, the human body is the same. Whether it is body organs, skin, or cells, they gradually age with time. Without maintenance, they will eventually lose their original functions and cause various problems. For example: premature ovarian and uterine failure, decreased physical strength and endurance, skin aging, and other symptoms.

The new LifeCell Placenta™ is a skin care product that specialises in cell renewal to achieve anti-aging effects. This is because the human body is made up of cells. Therefore, if you want to fight aging, you must start with your cells. As long as old cells are eliminated and new cells are produced in time, they can form healthy organs in our body and maintain normally, so as to achieve anti-aging effects!

LifeCell Placenta™ Introduction

LifeCell Placenta™ is a safe and healthy food grade supplement from New Zealand. It has been 12 years since its establishment in Malaysia (2023). It has also obtained the MAL certification from the Malaysian Ministry of Health. The certification number is: MAL12095007N. Currently being sold for more than 300,000 bottles.

LifeCell Placenta™ combines 3 ingredients that help maintain men’s and women’s health, achieve anti-aging, regulate endocrine and menopausal symptoms, balance hormones and increase stamina.

1 capsule of sheep placenta a day is equivalent to:

Applying 3 days worth of brightening mask

Drinking 6 bowls of ginseng black chicken soup

5 times ovarian maintenance

3 main ingredients of LifeCell Placenta™

30,000mg Sheep Placenta: Reduce symptoms of menopause, anti-aging, balances male hormones and increase stamina

Wheat Germ Oil: Eliminates old and unhealthy cells, balances hormones, regulates menstrual cycle

Blue-Green Spirulina: Regenerates healthy cells, eliminates free radicals, moisturise the skin

Suitable For
Irregular Menstruation
People with Weak Physique
Poor Sleep Quality
Dull Complexion
Decline in Physical Function
Adult males
Not suitable for
Pregnant Women
Tumor and Cancer patient
Allergic to ingredients, such as Wheat allergy
Autoimmune disease patient

Benefits to consume LifeCell Placenta™

General Benefits
  • Eliminate fatigue
  • Increase metabolism
  • Regeneration of cells & collagen
  • Improve memory
  • Reduce heavy metal in body, and helps body’s natural ability to eliminate toxins
  • Reduce stress & improve sleep quality
  • Improves skin & health condition
  • Anti Inflammation
Benefits for Male
  • Boost energy levels
  • Keep body and cells constantly vitalised
  • Balance male hormones
  • Increase stamina
Benefits for Female
  • Recover skin elasticity
  • Nourish QI & blood, combat fatigue
  • Brighten skin and improve complexion
  • Regulate endocrine, balance hormones

LifeCell Placenta™hold certification

MAL Certification (MAL12095007N)

LifeCell Placenta™️ Hormone-free Certification

Won “Asia-Pacific International Super Health Brand”

True Testimony and Feedback

Buy LifeCell Placenta™

Using the most natural and top-grade raw materials, we have developed high-quality, natural, and side-effect-free health care food.

Effects of consuming(females):

After a week: Energetic and better physique
After half a month: Improve sleep and able to sleep peacefully throughout the night
After a month: Smooth and shiny skin, no longer dull
After 2 month: Regulate endocrine, stabilise menstrual period, restore skin elasticity
After 3 month: Skin is firm, translucent and radiant

Effects of consuming(males):

After a week: Eliminates fatigue
After half a month: Improve sleep quality
After a month: Boost energy levels
After 2 month: Nourishes the body, keep body vitalised
After 3 month: Improves stamina and energy level

Suggested way to take

You just need 30 seconds every morning to take it after your meal. If consuming other existing medicine or supplements, it is recommended to take LifeCell Placenta™ an hour apart

package instruction

Each bottle of Lifecell Placenta™ contains 30 capsules.

contact us

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