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4 Boxes (15 sachets / box)LifeGen Nutritious Drink




LifeGen is a nutritious drink that is high in antioxidants, fibre and protein; it is also formulated with various types of grains, plant and vegetables extracts. It can effectively control ‘the Three-Highs’, promotes detoxification of the body, strengthens muscles, aids digestion and also supplements the body with important nutrients.

LifeGen is mainly made of Glycostat ® Wild Bitter Melon Extract, Sirtmax® Black Turmeric Extract, Coenzyme Q10 and Oat Beta Glucan. These ingredients are rich in antioxidants and high in fibre, which can reduce and prevent ‘the Three-Highs’ while boosting the body’s health.

Also, LifeGen uses Pea protein, cactus powder and other ingredients that provide protein and energy that the body needs for metabolism and maintaining good blood circulation.

功效 :
1. 降三高
2. 缓解身体炎症
3. 帮助身体解毒
4. 降低心血管疾病
5. 改善肠道,帮助消化
6. 延迟衰老,预防疾病
7. 提高能量和活力
8. 修复肌肉
9. 提供高抗氧化剂
10. 体重管理
11. 增强记忆力

1. 三高人士
2. 上班人士
3. 肿瘤患者
4. 注重饮食均衡者
5. 饮食不健康者
6. 纯素食者

1. 孕妇
2. 哺乳期妇女
3. 成分过敏者


只需每日 1 分钟,在早餐或晚餐后,准备 150ML 的白开水,简单的把 1 包 LifeGen 冲泡均匀喝完,你的肌肤保养就完成了! 想要效果更明显,更快见效的顾客们,建议一天服用 2 包,每日早晚分别服用 1 包 LifeGen 即可。

**Reminder: Drink LifePink at least an hour apart from tea of coffee.